candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Wahyu Hanafi, Rizki Amalia Sholihah


The purpose of this study is to represent the sexuality of foreign languages (Arabic and English) spoken by the pesantren community as L2 speech community. This research uses descriptive-qualitative method. Language differences between men and women are caused by the separation among them at important stages in their lives (Shan Wareing; 1999). Sexist language is a language that represents men and women unequally where members of one sex group are considered to be inferior to humanity, simpler, and have fewer rights than another group. This language usually presents stereotypes about men and women which sometimes hurt both but more often harm women. The results of this study are that the pesantren community that communicates with L2 appears to experience differences, especially in language sexism. The differentiation and sexism of the language of the pesantren speech community enters various dimensions; 1). Dimension of discourse. The pesantren speech community which dominates L2 in language learning and language community especially when studying the religious book (kitab kuning). 2). Dimension of accents. The pesantren community requires foreign-speaking speeches to communicate. In this case, it appears when the pesantren community speaks in Arabic. Arabic has hierarchies of masculinity-femininity in its various variants. 3). Mitigated form. In this locus, the sexism of the pesantren language community when attending extracurricular activities (muhadarah). 4). Aggravated form. L2 sexism in pesantren communities is encountered when there is punishment for language violations. 5). Iconicity. Language sexism in the iconic model appears in the form of icons installed in places and public facilities in boarding schools.

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