candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Clarissa Fauzany Priastuti, Bakdal Ginanjar


This paper is based on the fact that affix ke-an is a type of confix that is classified as productive in Indonesian. In addition, the problem of derivation and inflection in Indonesian is still unclear because adequate research has not yet been completed. The problem examined in this research is the morphological process by affixing the affix ke-an to the Indonesian language from the perspective of derivation and inflection. The purpose of this paper is to describe the morphological process in the form of affixing derivational affixes ke -an in Indonesian. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data in this study are in the form of sentences in which there are words with affixes ke-an originating from newspapers, novels, and scientific books that are possible in the form of sentences from late affixation ke-an. The data is collected by listening and note taking techniques which are then analyzed using the method of distribution with the technique for direct elements. The conclusion of this research is the affixes of derivational functions to form nouns from the basis of adjectives, verbs, adverbs, numeralia, and nouns, and to form verbs from the basis of verbs, nouns and adjectives. The pattern of affixation of the derivation can be formulated as follows: ke-an + Adj. → N, ke-an + V → N, ke-an + Adv. → N, ke- an + Num. → N, ke-an + N → N, ke-an + V → V, ke-an + N → V, dan ke-an + Adj. → V.

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