candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Suyadi Suyadi


Abstract: The purpose of this study is to improve the competence of preparing RPP in Primary School Teachers
3 Kenteng Semester 1 Year Lesson 2015/2016. This type of research is School Action Research. Research
subjects teachers SD Negeri 3 Kenteng with the number of 8 people. Data collection techniques used interview
techniques, observation and documentation. Using interactive model data analysis techniques, including data
collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that there was an increase in
the competence of preparing the lesson plan of Primary School Teachers 3 Kenteng through continuous
guidance, this can be seen from: Component 1: Include the identity of subjects increased. Before there is action
46,9%, at cycle I 78,1%, in cycle II, 100%. Component 2: Includes increased competency standards. Before
there is action 40,6%, in cycle I 81,3%, at cycle II 100%. Component 3: Include basic competencies increased.
Before any action was recorded 43.8%, in cycle I, 78.1%, on cycle II, 84.47%. Component 4: Includes indicators
of achievement of increased competence. Before the action, there was 46.9%, in the first cycle 59.4%, on the
second cycle 90.6%. Component 5: Includes increased learning objectives. Before action 40,6%, in cycle I
59,4%, cycle II 87,5%. Component 6: Include teaching materials on the rise. Before there is action 40,6%, a
cycle I 78,1, cycle II 84,4. Component 7: Includes increased time allocation Before action 40.6%, a cycle I
53.1%, cycle II 90.6%. Component 8: Includes increased learning methods. Before action 37,5%, cycle I 59,4%,
cycle II 93,8%. Component 9: Includes increased learning activities. Before action 46,9%, cycle I 53,1%, cycle
II 81,3%. Component 10: Include the source of improved teaching materials. Before action 43,8%, cycle I
62,5%, cycle II 81,3%. Component 11: Includes the assessment of learning outcomes increases. Before action,
46,9%, cycle I 50%, and cycle II 75%. The conclusion in this research that through the guidance of continue
increase the competence of preparing the Plan of Student Responsibility on Teachers Elementary School 3
Kenteng Semester 1 Year Lesson 2015/2016

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi menyusun RPP pada Guru SD Negeri 3
Kenteng Semester 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah. Subjek
penelitian guru SD Negeri 3 Kenteng dengan jumlah 8 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan teknik
wawancara, observasi/pengamatan dan dokumentasi. Menggunakan teknik analisis data model interaktif,
diantaranya pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan ada peningkatan kompetensi menyusun RPP pada Guru SD Negeri 3 Kenteng melalui bimbingan
berkelanjutan, hal ini dapat dilihat dari: Komponen 1: Mencantumkan indentitas mata pelajaran meningkat.
Sebelum ada tindakan 46,9%, pada siklus I 78,1%, pada siklus II, 100%. Komponen 2: Mencantumkan standar
kompetensi meningkat. Sebelum ada tindakan 40,6%, pada siklus I 81,3%, pada siklus II 100%. Komponen 3:
Mencantumkan kompetensi dasar meningkat. Sebelum ada tindakan tercatat 43,8%, pada siklus I, 78,1%, pada
siklus II, 84,47%. Komponen 4: Mencantumkan indikator pencapaian kompetensi meningkat. Sebelum
dilakukan tindakan ada 46,9%, pada siklus I 59,4%, pada siklus II 90,6%. Komponen 5: Mencantumkan tujuan
pembelajaran meningkat. Sebelum tindakan 40,6%, pada siklus I 59,4%, siklus II 87,5%. Komponen 6:
Mencantumkan materi ajar meningkat. Sebelum ada tindakan 40,6%, siklus I 78,1, siklus II 84,4. Komponen 7:
Mencantumkan alokasi waktu meningkat Sebelum tindakan 40,6%, siklus I 53,1%, siklus II 90,6%. Komponen
8: Mencantumkan metode pembelajaran meningkat. Sebelum tindakan 37,5%, siklus I 59,4%, siklus II 93,8%.
Komponen 9: Mencantumkan kegiatan pembelajaran meningkat. Sebelum tindakan 46,9%, siklus I 53,1%, siklus
II 81,3%. Komponen 10: Mencantumkan sumber bahan ajar meningkat. Sebelum tindakan 43,8%, siklus I
62,5%, siklus II 81,3%. Komponen 11: Mencantumkan penilaian hasil belajar meningkat. Sebelum tindakan
46,9%, siklus I 50%, dan siklus II 75%. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini bahwa melalui bimbingan
berkelanjutan dapat meningkatan kompetensi menyusun Rencana Pealsanaan Pembelajaram pada Guru SD
Negeri 3 Kenteng Semester 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016.

Keywords: Kompetensi guru, bimbingan berkelanjutan

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 ISSN : 2443-3268