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Application of the Google Classroom Application as a Learning Medium in Increasing The Interest in Learning PPKn Students in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Wida Shafira


This article aims to analyze the application of the Google Classroom application as a learning medium in increasing the interest in learning KDP students in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method uses a qualitative type of research. Thedata collection technique in this study used interview techniques and literature studies. The results showed that the application of google classroom application asmedi a learning can increase minat learning KDP students. This can be proven through the results of interviews from 4 sources studied, 3 sources say that google classroom can increase interest in learning KDP because the delivery of material carried out by teachers is not only in the form of written material, but also in the form of power points and videos ofcreative and interactive ran learners and the availability of discussion spaces that can make students more active to exchange opinions. In addition, there are still severalobstacles faced by teachers and students such as the lack of use of google classroom features, unstable internet connections and others. Therefore, teachers need to learn and add insights related to the features available in Google Classroom optimally and students can find a smooth and stable internet network before learning is carried out.

Keywords : Google Classroom, Learning Media, Interest in Learning, PPKn

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