candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Pradita Firda Yunita


This article aims to determine the role of Pancasila student profiles in building students' critical reasoning characters. There are six elements contained in the Pancasila student profile which is an effort to improve student character. The method in this article uses qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques based on interviews and literature studies, then analyzed through descriptive data analysis techniques. The results of the study are as follows: knowing how the role of the Pancasila student profile in building students' critical reasoning character is, the obstacles experienced by students before the Pancasila student profile program. The conclusion of this article is one of the efforts to improve students' critical reasoning character, among others, through the application of the Pancasila student profile during learning, through this habituation students' abilities will be honed and accustomed to responding and seeing phenomena from various sides so as to generate ideas and solve varied problems.

Keywords: Pancasila student profile, critical reasoning

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