candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

An Implementation Ruangbaca as a Civic Knowledge in For High School Student to Stregthen Civic Engagement

Nadila Nisa Al Umami, Triana Rejekiningsih, Hendri Nuryadi


The study of as a digital learning media with several features that can be accessed by the public aims to determine student interactions in strengthening the character of
citizenship with the Ruangbaca media. The research method was carried out with literacy
studies and surveys with several high school students using Ruangguru in strengthening the
character of citizenship. The interest in the study of the Ruangguru application is based on
several sources stating that Ruangguru is trusted as the "Best Education Platform". After the
study, the Ruangguru application was judged to have met these aspects. So it's no wonder the
Ruangguru application is used as an online learning center among Indonesian students.

Keywords: Ruangbaca, Civic Knowledge, Civic Engagement

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