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Character Building of Student Responsibilities Through Civics Learning at SD Negeri 1 Pomah

Meilani Safira Putri


This study aims to determine the formation of the character of the responsibility of students through Civics learning at SDN 1 Pomah. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The data obtained in the form of primary data derived from interviews and secondary data obtained from observations and documentation. The results obtained from interviews, observations and documentation include: the character of the responsibility of students at SDN 1 Pomah is still quite lacking evidenced by the lack of a sense of responsibility of students to go to school on time, lack of responsibility of students when carrying out morning apples , do not sing the Indonesia Raya anthem properly and correctly, do not do assignments on time and litter. The formation of the responsibility character of students through Civics learning at SDN 1 Pomah is done by making an agreement on the rules when carrying out Civics learning, the rules for shaping the character of the responsibility of students.

Keywords: PPKn, Character, Responsibilities

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