candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Strategy for Strengthening Digital Skill With Infographic Learning Media

Fitria Utami Putri Bintari, Rini Triastuti, Muh Hendri Nuryadi


The younger generation currently has social media, statistical data stated that 87% of Indonesian children aged 13 years have used social media. This triggers the young generation to become vulnerable to the spread of hoax news. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen digital skills, one of which can be done in learning activities at school using infographic learning media. Making infographics requires basic knowledge of information search engines, and how to use and choose words that are indicators of digital skills. Data collection in qualitative research is by observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The results of this study indicate that infographic learning media as a strategy for strengthening digital skills is very effective, which is indicated by students' skills in using digital media in finding information, and how to use and select data in making infographic media. However, what needs to be emphasized is that this strategy is effective if the availability of school facilities and infrastructure supports digital learning activities.

Keywords: digital skill; infographic; learning media.

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