candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Basic Concepts of Political Education for Beginner Voters through Citizenship Education

Bambang Rudi, Rusnaini Rusnaini, hendri hendri


Policies that exist within a country is a political product that is used by a group of people, in this case is the Government, to influence or change an order of people's lives. Of course it is not easy to influence or give a political understanding on the community. There are several factors that can affect the dominant understanding of the political community, namely educational factors, environmental factors, factors of gender, heredity factors to livelihood. Citizenship education has an important role in influencing or providing an understanding of politics through means of education in the school environment in particular like a novice voters and the public in General. The purpose of thiswriting is to make the students as well as community voters beginners can have fundamentally understanding about politics through means of civic education as a political education. So the student as novice voters and the public in general political literacy and are able to demonstrate participatory attitude towards politics. Writing method used in this study is a journal paper libraries supported by the results of relevant research. Citizenship education as one of the media means of political education is expected to increase political participation on the young gerasi or commonly referred to as novice voters, resulting in the application of the concept of community Democratic concluded properly.

Keywords: The Basic Concept; Political Education; Novice Voters.

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