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The Readiness of PKn Teachers in Facing the Project Program to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students in Independent Curriculum 2022

Ayu Puspita Sari


The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of Civics teachers in facing the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project program in the Independent Curriculum. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with data collection techniques in the form of interviews and literature studies. Based on the interviews and literature studies, it can be seen that the Civics teacher at SMPN 2 Boyolali has realized his need as a teacher so that he encourages him to follow information about the Independent Curriculum. Based on the condition of knowledge, Civics teachers at SMPN 2 Boyolali are in the know stage about the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project, this is because the Independent Curriculum policy feels uncertain and has changed regulations several times. Then when viewed from the skills or competencies of teachers, Civics teachers need to master the material in depth (professionally) and establish effective communication with students and other subject teachers (social) to carry out the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project.

Keywords: Teacher Readiness, Independent Curriculum, Pancasila Student Profile Project

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