candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Arif Subowo, Triyanto Triyanto, Rini Triastuti


The ability to think critically is very important for students to be able to find problems that arise in the student environment and be able to see the problems that exist in the current era of globalization, but the reality is that many students do not have the ability to think critically in the current era. The main factor is because education in schools still teaches and educates students to have the ability to think critically, and the use of digital media in the learning process has not been maximized. In the current era of globalization, the ability to think critically is very important because it will determine the quality and personality of a person, plus the presence of digital media as a daily need, students must have the skills and abilities to operate it maturely, so it is necessary to have critical thinking skills, so that they can differentiate between good and bad. and the negative impact of digital media. The purpose of this study is to describe digital media innovation in improving students' critical thinking skills in learning Pancasila and citizenship education in high school. This study uses a literature review research design, namely writing whose primary and secondary data sources are obtained from books, national and international research journals related to the formulation of the problem. The end of this writing can improve students' critical thinking skills through media innovation. digital technology in the process of learning Pancasila and citizenship education in high school.

Keyword: Digital Media, Critical Thinking, Civics Learning

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