candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Counteracting Hoax News Through News-Based Learning Using Instagram Media In PKn Subjects

Obed Adi Nugroho, Dewi Gunawati, Triyanto Triyanto


One of the negative impacts of advances in technology, information, and communication is the emergence of hoax news in cyberspace. Hoax news in the digital era is now a very serious problem. Hoax news is found on various social media and news sites that do not have credibility. If hoax news continues to be allowed to spread, there will be potential disintegration in people's lives. Therefore, it is necessary for a citizen to be able to sort and choose information circulating in cyberspace. This ability becomes an absolute thing that must be owned by digital citizens. Based on the results of research conducted by several parties showed that the majority of internet users, especially social media, are generation Y and Z including students in both middle and high school. PKn or Civic Education as one of the compulsory subjects in school has an important role to provide education to students related to the dangers of hoaxes and how to identify the credibility of information sources rationally and logically, and not emosional as a form of citizen responsibility in the digital world. This research is qualitative descriptive that seeks to provide alternative VAT learning models in order to form students' analytical skills in identifying hoax news in the digital world. The strategy offered is news-based learning using Instagram media.

Keywords: hoaxnews; news-based learning; digital citizenship.

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