candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Digital Citizenship: Digital Ethics As Prevention Measures Cyberbullying

Zulfiana Zulfiana, Novita Arum Sari


Technology, information and communication will always develop over time, technological developments facilitate human activities in fulfilling needs. Progress in this field is like a double-edged knife, on the one hand it has a good impact on society and on the other hand has a bad impact on people's lives. Ease of access, openness and freedom of expression are the positive impacts of advances in technology, information and communication, but the negative impact lurks society, namely the transformation of new crimes in the form of cyberbullying. This research uses literature review, literature review data is literature study. The purpose of this literature study is to determine the role of digital citizenship, especially elements of digital ethics in cyberbullying cases. The results of this study indicate that technological advances also have the potential for criminal acts through digital media, such as the case of cyberbullying. The rise of cyberbullying cases shows a degradation of the character of citizens. Therefore, cyberbullying must be overcome immediately with various efforts and there needs to be a synergy of various related elements. Cyberbullying can be minimized by cultivating an understanding of digital citizenship and digital ethics. These efforts are deemed effective in shaping digital citizenship as a response to the challenges of the global community.

Keywords: cyberbullying; digital citizenship; digital etiquette.

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