candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Critical Thinking as Citizen's Intellectual Skills in Facing Hoax on Social Media

Yona Puspa Ningtias


This research aims to convey the urgency and application of critical thinking as a citizen's intellectual skill in an effort to deal with circulating of the hoax during elections on social media. The method used in this research is literature study method.  Collecting data including primary and secondary data comes from relevant literature, such as books, journals, and other related research data. The results showed that the ability to think critically as an intellectual skill is needed by citizens to underlie their actions and attitudes in dealing with political issues on social media. The era of society 5.0 where technological sophistication is increasingly integrated in the lives of citizens who then demanded each individual to be more selective in utilizing developing technological products.. Social media as a product of technological development has become a popular channel to encourage the enthusiasm of citizens to follow the development of existing political information. Social media actually makes it easy for the public to get information related to general elections, but media oftenly misused as a tool of provocation and spreading the hoax by irresponsible parties to bring down the opposing camp. So as good and smart citizenship in the 5.0 society era, Indonesian citizens need to apply critical thinking steps to criticize all information. This study concludes that with good critical thinking skills, citizens will be able to filter the truth of an issue and can take appropriate action so as not to trigger divisions in society.

Keywords: critical thinking; hoax; social media.

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