candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Integration of Social Character Value in Elementary School through the Local Culture of Cepetan Dance

Wahyu Khasanah, Triyanto Triyanto, Chumdari Chumdari, Mohamad Aziz Aridho


Education in Indonesia currently still uses the 2013 curriculum as a character-based learning framework for students. These characters are used as the foundation of the country in the development of increasingly sophisticated technology. providing the logistics, character education is an absolute provision for future generations of the nation. On the other hand, local culture is a national heritage that is rich in noble values. Therefore, this study aims to describe the integration of local culture of Cepetan dance as character education for students, especially social characters. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with research subjects namely artists, school principals and extracurricular teachers of SD Negeri 3 Pandansari, Kebumen, Central Java. Data collection techniques using documents and interviews. Source triangulation is used as data validity. The results showed that students' daily activities had reflected the integrated social character through the local culture of Cepetan dance. Thus, the artists and the school have succeeded in making Cepetan dance not only because the culture also instills its values in students. The results of this study will be useful for academics and practice in determining the right approach to achieve the success of character education for students. 

Keywords: local culture; cepetan dance; social character education.

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