candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

The Role of Youth through Youth Organizations in Gotong Royong Activities as the Application of the Third Precepts of Pancasila

Sholihah Fitria Ningrum


Young citizens are the nation's next generation, having an important role to play in bringing their nation to a better direction. Forming young citizens good and educated(smart and good citizens) in accordance with the identity of the Indonesian nation requires efforts to strengthen the values of Pancasila. The existence of the Youth Organization through gotong royong activities as an effort to implement the third principle of Pancasila, namely the Unity of Indonesia. Gotong royong is a cultural feature of the Indonesian people that has been passed down from generation to generation. Gotong royong means doing voluntarily and not expecting rewards to be done together with the aim of making the work run smoothly, easily and lightly. This study aims to determine the role of youth in gotong royong activities to form unity in the community as the application of the third principle of Pancasila, the forms of gotong royong activities carried out, the obstacles and efforts made to overcome them. The results of this study indicate that gotong royong activities have been running as a form of social interaction in the community such as gotong royong in terms of calamities or disasters, gotong royong in parties and celebrations, gotong royong in doing work that is in the public interest and cleaning the hamlet. It was found that there were obstacles related to the implementation of the gotong royong activities that were carried out. This research is expected to provide information and a foundation in the application of the three principles of Pancasila through gotong royong.

Keywords: youth organization; gotong royong; Indonesian unity; pancasila.

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