candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Improving Student Character in the Digital Era through Citizenship Education Based on Local Wisdom

Shalsabila Yuli Rahmawati


This article aims to describe the application of Citizenship Education based on local wisdom to improve the character of the nation in the digital era through Citizenship Education based on local wisdom with the values of Pancasila as the basis of the state. As is known, in the current era with increasingly developing technology, cultures from outside that are not in accordance with the values of Pancasila and national culture easily enter without any filter first. The research method used is a literature review research method in accordance with the problems discussed. The results of the study show that in the current era, Citizenship Education based on local wisdom is needed by applying the values of Pancasila as an effort to filter out external cultures that are not in accordance with the national personality, especially for students who, at their age, want to seek attention and explore themselves. So that an adequate provision is needed in exploring himself.

Keywords: character education; local wisdom; citizenship education.

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