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The Role of UKM PIK-R Cakra in Preventing the Triad KRR (Early Marriage, Free Sex, Drugs) as the Efforts of Civic Responsibility in Students UNS Era of Covid-19

Rifdah Dhiya Ul'haq


Youth plays an active role in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. One of the important priorities for handling, has been followed up by the Indonesian government through the National Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) by monitoring and evaluation and also providing special guidance in the field of youth resilience through The Planning Generation (GenRe) program optimally is the development of the Information and Consultation Center for youth and / or students (PIK-R / M). It is important that the Center for Adolescent Counseling Information (PIK R) be provided as a forum for disseminating health information, especially in the university environment. In Indonesia, adolescents who have cases of the TRIAD KRR are still quite high. Teenagers have had free sex at 35.9%; and at least among UNS students there are 27.3% or 15 out of 55 people who stated that their fellow students had premarital sex. The purpose of this research is to describe the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and obstacles faced in implementing the role of the Student Activity Unit (UKM) PIK-R Cakra UNS as a form of Civic Responisbility where citizens who know their rights and obligations are aware and responsible in carrying them out. The active role of students is very much needed in improving the quality and development of the country. This study used a qualitative method with a case study approach to get an overview of the implementation of the PIK R program. The data was collected by means of interviews, observations, and documentation of field notes, involving the data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The results obtained from the interviews were that the PIK-R Cakra UNS had prepared various annual activity programs related to the KRR Triad, but there were many obstacles, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic so that it had not occurred thoroughly which made it less optimal in providing prevention education for the KRR Triad in among UNS students.

Keywords: PIK-R; triad KRR; civic responsibility.

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