candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Analysis of Crime Figures in Indonesia due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and Efforts to Overcome It

Nissabilia Tita Ummayah, Rifdah Dhiya Ul’haq


Crime in Indonesia has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, Which is increasingly unsettling for the Indonesian people. The crime rate in Indonesia continues to increase, influenced by various factors, one of which is the Covid-19 pandemic which has changer various factors, one of which is the COVID-19 pandemc which has changed various structures and structures of life. This research examines the analusis of the increasing crime rate in Indonesia due to COVID-19 pandemic and efforts to overcome it. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of crime in Indonesia which is motivated by the Covid-19 pandemic and efforts to overcome it. In the perspective of legal sociology, the current state of affairs can be said that every society has a type of crime and a criminal in accordance with its social and economic conditions. The research method used is literature study which is excavated from books, journals, and articles. The results of this study show the impact of Covid-19 on Indonesia's current economy with various impacts on the economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic that is happening at this time, it is necessary to know the impacts that occur, namely difficulties in finding employment, it is difficult to meet. the necessities of daily life and also do not have income to meet daily needs and there are also many hardships received from all sectors of the economy in all fields also feel the impact of Covid-19

Keywords: crime; covid-19; countermeasures; economy.

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