candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

The Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on Society and Efforts to Overcome It

Letta Tabiladama, Muskhaf Bahtyar


The purpose of writing this article is to find out the causes of unemployment, the efforts made to overcome unemployment both by individuals and by the local government. The method used is by observing, interviewing and reviewing literature related to the Watuagung area, Wonogiri, the results of the study show that the emergence of unemployment is not only due to external factors such as lack of employment and uneven employment opportunities but can also be caused by internal factors such as laziness, genetics, inequality. able to take advantage of opportunities and do not have special skills. The local government's efforts to overcome unemployment arising from the COVID-19 pandemic by developing the economic sector through the local tourism sector such as culinary tourism and tourist attractions and the development of village business units. Efforts have been made by the national government by allocating data on mitigating the impact of the pandemic, income tax incentives, policies for relaxing social security contributions and developing social sector security networks. 

Keywords: poverty; unemployment; efforts to overcome poverty; efforts to overcome uemployment.

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