candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

The Urgency of Women's Rights in Political Leadership Through Feminism Perspective

Neneng Dhea Fatimah


Human rights are a concept that is upheld by the state, one of which is women's rights in politics.  The relatively low participation of women in political leadership is due to the still strong male dominance in politics.  This is of course due to the substance of setting values, perspectives, and work patterns of unequal competition between men and women.  So that the recognition of women's human rights in political leadership tends to be ignored.  This study aims to determine the importance of women's human rights in politics through the perspective of feminism.  The method used is the method of literature review or literature review from various sources in the form of journals and references that support the research.  The results of the study show that women's rights in political leadership already exist even though they are not yet fully organized and this is growing along with the increasingly fierce political atmosphere in Indonesia.  In this case, the feminist movement has played a very important role in changing the practice of government from which originally favored the position of men, to a government order that involved women in politics.

Keywords: women's human rights; leadership; politics; feminism.

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