candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Criminality of Children: Human Trafficking of Children as a Violation of Human Rights

Mayang Dwi Anggraeni, Yona Puspa Ningtias


Human Rights is an essential right of a person born as a creature of God. Protection of the implementation of rights for every element of society must be applied comprehensively, whether old, young, adult, or children. This study aims to describe the motives for the emergence of human trafficking, the fulfillment of the rights of victims of human trafficking, and ways to minimize human trafficking to children. Researchers investigated three things about human trafficking in children associated with one of the areas of study of citizenship, namely Human Rights (HAM). This research is a qualitative research by analyzing existing problems based on existing theories in previous relevant studies. The application of this method is expected to provide a forum for a deeper analysis of the problem gap between the implementation of child rights protection and the practice of child human trafficking in Indonesia. The findings of this study shows there are 3 focuses highlighted in this study regarding human trafficking in children, including (1) The cause of human trafficking occurs due to several reasons, namely the motive for adoption. work motives, as well as sexual exploitation motives, (2) The fulfillment of the rights of victims of human trafficking which can be done in 4 ways, namely damage, compensation, rehabilitation of victims, establishing an integrated service center, (3) Efforts to overcome human trafficking to children, as has been done by the government of Indonesia and the government of Batam since 2009 have proactively carried out various efforts to prevent and deal with human trafficking.

Keywords: human trafficking; child; human rights.

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