candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

The Actualization Tolerance Values Z Generation in Globalization Era

Lathifah Sandra Devi, Triana Rejekiningsih, Rusnaini Rusnaini


The purpose of this study was to determine the results of the actualization of tolerance values that exist in Z  generation in the era of globalization. Data was collected  through observation, interviews  and questionnaires via google form to Z Generation in Serang City, then analyzed using qualitative descriptive including data reduction, data presentation, as well as drawing conclusions and verification. The object of research in this article includes Z Generation, adolescents aged 11 to 24 years in Serang City. The results show that the actualization of tolerance values carried out by Z Generation  in Serang City still has mutual respect between religious adherents, respects older people, can accept differences of opinion and ethnicity and is involved in social activities such as mutual cooperation activities, participating in religious events and social service activities. So it can be seen that the actualization of tolerance values in Z generation in the era of globalization is still carried out in real life.

Keywords: tolerance value; z generation; globalization era.

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