candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Internalization of Civic Disposition Value through the Adiwiyata Program

Lailatus Saadah, Rusnaini Rusnaini, Moh Muchtarom


The problem in this study is that the value of the character of caring for the environment that is owned by students. The purpose of this study was to find out how the internalization of civic disposition values regarding environmental care in the Adiwiyata Program at SMPN I Penawangan, Grobogan Regency.This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method. The place of the research was at SMPN I Penawangan, Grobogan Regency. from April-June 2020. The subjects of the study were the VII grade Citizenship Education teachers. The informants of this research were the principal, the coordinator of the Adiwiyata program and the seventh grade students. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. Checking the validity of the data by using triangulation techniques of sources and methods. The collected data is then analyzed with the stages of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the data and conclusions indicate that the process of internalizing the value of civic disposition regarding environmental care in Civic Education learning is through three stages, the first stage is value transformation, value transaction and transinternalization. At the value transformation stage, what the teacher does is ask students to read cooperative materials in various environments. Then the teacher explains the content and content of the material. The transaction stage of the teacher's value divides students into several discussion groups to discuss cooperation materials in various environments, students provide feedback on the material presented by the teacher. The transinternalization stage carried out by the teacher is asking students to present the results of discussions fromĀ 

Keywords: internalization; civic disposition; adiwiyata program.

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