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PBL Model in the Concept of Freedom of Learning to Increase the Knowledge and Activity of Learners in Learning Pancasila Education and Citizenship

Faisal Yoga, Rini Triastuti, Mohammad Muchtarom


Ministry of Education, Culture, Risert, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia endorsed the free movement to learn the concept in a speech by the Minister of Education and Culture on National Teacher's Day in 2019. The concept of self regulated learning as the basis of self-learning becomes a new force in education. Problem-Based Learning is expected to encourage students to solve problems with creative and innovative Research aims to describe the activeness, know the results of learning basic competencies of knowledge. To see the effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning in the concept of freedom of learning to improve the Knowledge and Initiative of learners in the learning of PPKn material Value Spirit of Youth Vows Today. This analysis uses descriptive quantitative research methods, with dependent variables are Problem-based Learning, independent variables are the result of learning. Research theory uses Vygotsky learners have two different levels of development a) actual development defines a person's current intellectual function and ability to study things independently and b) potential development defines as a level that one can function or achieve with the help of others such as teachers, parents, more advanced friends.

Keywords: problem-based learning; freedom of learning; activeness; knowledge.

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ISSN 2775-8818 (Online)