candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

The Role of Bina Satria Youth Organization in Building Civic Engagement in Young Generation

Emy Dian Tari


The young generation is the nation's successor, so that the values of the nation's personality must be instilled in the younger generation so that they do not lose their identity. Indonesia is a country that is synonymous with mutual cooperation and thick with eastern culture. Strengthening Civic engagement in youth is needed in order to grow awareness to participate in all areas of activities that bring better change in accordance with the national identity. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of youth organizations in building civic engagement among the younger generation. This study used qualitative approach descriptive, data collection techniques were carried out using interview, observation, and documentation techniques. From the research results obtained in this study, Karang Taruna Bina Satria has a work program that can strengthen the cultivation of civic engagement in the younger generation, especially among its members, such as monthly routine events, community service, sinoman or laden, and August events.

Keywords: youth organization; civic engagement; young generation.

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