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The Importance of Character Education To Prevent Discrimination Between Religious People in The Community

Dyah Ayu Faryda


Character education is an attempt to make individual self-perfection understand and understand ethical and moral values so that when they do everything they know the limits and rules so as not to cause unrest for others around them. Character education does not only apply to the school environment, but character education is also very important to be taught in social life. Because it is precisely in life in society that there are so many differences that arise, ranging from religious beliefs, opinions, goals and so on. Discrimination also often occurs in society, especially discrimination caused by differences in religion and belief, which causes harmony and tolerance in the community to be lower. The purpose of this research is to find out what causes discrimination between religious communities in society and to know the importance of character education for residents in the community so that there are no cases of discrimination between religious communities. This research uses qualitative methods, namely the data collection techniques literature review reviews that come from journal articles, books and so on. The results of this study include knowing and understanding the causes of discrimination between religious communities in the community, understanding the importance of character education in society and what solutions are taken to prevent discrimination between religious communities in the community.

Keywords : character education; discrimination; religious people.

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UU No. 39 Tahun 1999 Tentang Hak Asasi Manusia


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ISSN 2775-8818 (Online)