candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Government Policy in the Implementation of Inclusive Schools as the Embodiment of Education without Discrimination

Dinda Dewi Yuliana


This study aims to analyze government policies in the implementation of inclusive schools as a manifestation of education without discrimination, whether it is running in accordance with the principles of education that have been stipulated in the national education law and to find out how the implementation of the inclusive school system so that discrimination does not occur and to know the government's concern in an inclusive school in the field. The research method used in this research is literature study research method which comes from books, journals and articles with literature review data collection techniques. The results of the literature study show that teachers are an important factor in the service and education process, as well as government policies in implementing inclusive schools as a manifestation of education without discrimination greatly helping them to become young Indonesians who are aware of national and state life based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and humans. Indonesia that is completely with help from other parties.

Keywords: government policy; inclusive education; discrimination against children with special needs.

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