candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Equitable Regional Infrastructure Development as the Government's Effort to Reduce Inter-Regional Social Inequality in Indonesia

Aulia Firdatin, Naufal Akbar Gifary


The purpose of this research is to analyze and study using theories on the problems of the role of infrastructure development and social disparities between regions in Indonesia. Social disparities between regions can occur due to the impact of one of the contributing factors, namely the weakness of government policies so that infrastructure development in the regions is hampered and makes it unstable. Apart from these factors, another factor is that the demographics of each region in Indonesia are not all the same, so that regions have their respective barriers and challenges in terms of equitable development through infrastructure. Infrastructure is considered a fairly important development factor because without good regional infrastructure, mobility of community activities will be severely disrupted, thus slowing down community activities. The method used in this research is qualitative through analysis and exploration of problems based on theory. This method is expected to provide an adequate scope of analysis to investigate the gaps and linkages of infrastructure development and economic disparities between regions in Indonesia. The results of this study found that there are social disparities between regions in Indonesia and their relationship is due to the unequal factor of infrastructure development by the government. This finding is a strong message for the government to need to accelerate programs of equal distribution of development, especially in areas that are considered to be lagging behind so that the infrastructure development process is not only in the developed areas. The level of inequality is extraordinary and relatively dangerous. The substance of the gap is unequal access to economic resources. The problem of inequality is a problem of justice, which is related to the problem.

Keywords: social gap; infrastructure; government; between regions of Indonesia.

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