candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

The Role of the Social Institution "PPAP Seroja" in Fulfilling the Rights of Neglected Children in Education Sector

Ananda Septia Harmaswuri


Indonesia, which is a rule of law country, the rights of the child are the same as respect for human rights, but unfortunately, the facts show that children are a group that is vulnerable to violence. The city of Surakarta is a city that holds the title of a Child Friendly City, the Surakarta City Government is willing to fulfill it in terms of funds or policies that integrate the freedom of children's rights. The city of Surakarta has made every effort to guarantee the rights of every child. Surakarta City Government has taken various ways to realize the rights of neglected children. The work program pursued by the Social Service includes conducting raids to catch abandoned children. This method implemented by the Social Service has been not effective. Therefore, the Seroja PPAP Social Institution was born to serve the community in dealing with the problems of neglected children in the city of Surakarta. Seroja PPAP Institution can fulfill the rights of neglected children in the field of education through the work program they run. This study aims to determine how the role of the Social Institution "PPAP Seroja" in dealing with the problems of neglected children. This research uses literature study. The data obtained from reviewing the literature were analyzed in more depth. The data sources for this research are accurate sources obtained from journals, proceedings, articles, and so on.

Keywords:fulfillment of rights; neglected children; PPAP seroja.

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