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Analysis of the Increase in the Rate of Early Marriage During the Covid-19 Pandemic as an Impact of Online Learning Through The Citizenship Perspective

Mar'atul Hidayah


Marriage or marriage is a physical and spiritual bond between a man and a woman as husband wifewith the aim of forming a happy and eternal family (household) based on the One Godhead. According to data from the Ministry of Religion of Central Java during the Covid-19 pandemic from March to November 2020, KUA Pasar Kliwon married 19 underage couples. Marriage is carried out after going through the trial process for a marriage dispensation request from the Religious Court. This study aims to analyze the increase in the rate of early marriage during the Covid-19 pandemic as a result of online learning throughperspectivecitizenship. This research uses a type or research approach in the form of literature study, data sources that are used as research material in the form of laws, books, journals, and internet sites related to the selected topic. The results of this study state that the increase in early marriage is the impact of the diminishing civic disposition which is triggered by the ease with which information technology is accessed by children, which includes adult content.

Keywords: early marriage, covid-19, online learning, citizenship

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