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PERKEMBANGAN PERMUKIMAN KECAMATAN MOJOLABAN KABUPATEN SUKOHARJO TAHUN 2004, 2008 DAN 2011 (Untuk Penyediaan Materi Ajar Geografi Kelas XII Kompetensi Dasar Menginterpretasi Citra Penginderaan Jauh untuk Perencanaan Tata Guna Lahan)

Isnandar Dwiantoro




TAHUN 2004, 2008 DAN 2011

(Untuk Penyediaan Materi Ajar Geografi Kelas XII

Kompetensi Dasar Menginterpretasi Citra Penginderaan Jauh

Untuk Perencanaan Tata Guna Lahan)

Isnandar Dwiantoro 1,*, Wakino 2 dan Setya Nugraha 2

1Program Pendidikan Geografi PIPS, FKIP, UNS Surakarta, Indonesia

2Dosen Program Pendidikan Geografi PIPS, FKIP, UNS Surakarta, Indonesia

Keperluan korespondensi, Telp. 085789110288;


            Research purpose: (1) getting to know the change, pattern and direction of development settlement, (2) getting to know the effect of interaction between Surakarta City and Karanganyar Regency on the settlement development in Mojolaban Sukoharjo in 2011, (3) getting to know the factors affecting the settlement development in Mojolaban Sukoharjo during 2004-2011, and (4) implementation of research result in learning geography.

This research using spatial descriptive method with administrative area unit division categorized by urbaneness and BWK. The research variable included (1) land use in 2004, 2008 and 2011, (2) household head occupying new settlement in 2004, 2008, and 2011, (3) perception on the settlement location selection consideration.

Based on the research, there are four conclusions, they are: (1) The development of settlement area width in 2004-2011 was 46,42 hectares with the largest development in rice-field (33.02 Ha) which the largest development in BWK III and Zona Bingkai Kota. The patterns of settlement development in Mojolaban overall was dominated with ribbon development. The direction of development settlement was occurred in the area which near Surakarta City that have good accessibility that is main road connecting Mojolaban subdistrict and Surakarta City (Solo-Karanganyar, Mojolaban-Jaten, Bekonang-Jembatan Mojo). (2) The size of interaction (gravity) of Surakarta City and Karanganyar Regency played a part in settlement development in the research site particularly in the areas adjacent to both areas; therefore the development of settlement increased. (3) The factors mostly affecting the settlement development based on the consideration of settling interest in residence location selection were a) comfort, b) good accessibility, c) land price, d) population, and e) proximity to workplace. (4) Implementation the result of research  “The Development of Settlements in Mojolaban Subdistrict in 2004, 2008, And 2011” can be used to provide learning materials in geography class XII about basic competence to interprete remote sensing imagery for land use planning.

Key words: remote sensing, land use, development settlement

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