candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Bermain peran untuk Mengatasi Prokrastinasi Akademik

Pingki Utami Sokma Anggun Nan Tunggal, Sri Wiyanti Hidayat, Mudaris Muslim


This action research was carried out in two cycles. Each cycles consist of four steps as follows: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subject of the research is the eighth year students. The data was possessed by observation and questionnaire. The technique of analysis the data was analyzed by descriptive quantitative analysis technique. The action is succeeded whether it meets a demand of successful indicator target as follow: minimum 50% on each subjects and the subjects have some changes into be more diligent in doing and collecting the school task given by the teacher. The result of the study indicates that on the cycle 1 occurs the reduction of academic procrastination on the students in 26,05% and significan reduction on cycle II is  51,42%. Based on the result of hypothesis, it is found out that there os reduction of academic procrastination on the students before and after giving action of role playing. The case can be concluded that role playing is effective to settle academic procrastination on the eighth year students Junior High School in Klaten.


role playing; academic procrastination; group guidance

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