candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Psikodrama untuk Meningkatkan Kestabilan Emosi Siswa SMK

Linda Dwi Sholikhah, Sri Wiyanti Hidayat, Mudaris Muslim


The research was guidance and counseling action research with two cycles. Each cycle consist of planning, action, observation, analysis and reflection. The subject were fifteen students. This  study  used  quantitative  analysis  and  clinical analysis. The results showed that pretest score of 61.60, in the first cycle increased to 75.26 (22.01%) and a significant increase, then in the second cycle increased to 94.47 (53.31%). Based on the results of testing the hypothesis, it is known that there is an increase in emotional stability before and after the treatment was given in the form of psychodrama. It shows that psychodrama is effective for improving participant’s emotional stability.


emotional stability; psychodrama; group counseling

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