candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Keefektifan Bimbingan Kelompok Teknik Diskusi Pola Bamboo Dancing untuk Meningkatkan Adversity Quotient Siswa SD

Ervina Dian Novitasari, Mudaris Muslim, Sri Wiyanti


The purposes of this research is to know the effectiveness of guidance group bamboo dancing discussion technique to increase student adversity quotient in elementary school. The design of the research that is used is pre experimental one group pretest-posttest desaign. Subject of the research was elementary school student that has low adversity quotient which the amount is 6 persons. Technique of collecting data that is used is adversity quotient questionnaire. The result of clinical analysis showed that there are changes of students behavior become more calm in facing the difficulties, brave to ask when they have difficulties in understanding the material, have brave to face the challenge. It was supported by the result of pretest analysis and posttest used Wilcoxon test showed the increase of posttest which is higher than the pretest. The results of the Wilcoxon test showed Z count equal to -2.207 and Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.027. The conclusion of the research is guidance group bamboo dancing technique is effective to improve students’ adversity quotient.

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