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Application of the Role Playing Learning Model in Improving Civic Skills (Participation Skills) in the Material of Formulating Pancasila as the Foundation of the State at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Belik

Mayanggi Kusuma Devi, Rini Triastuti, Rima Vien Permata Hartanto


This research aims to see how the role-playing model is applied to improve student participation skills. This research uses quasi-experimental quantitative analysis. The population in this study were all class X TKJ students at Muhammadiyah Belik Vocational School. The samples used in this research were for the experimental class in class X TKJ 1 and for the control class in class X TKJ 2. Data collection techniques used observation, documentation, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique uses inferential analysis techniques, namely the t-test and the t-test used is the paired sample t-test. The research results show that there are significant differences in the two data. It can be seen that the average score for class X TKJ 1 (role-playing model) is 80.09, while type In this research, it can be concluded that the application of the role-playing model can improve students' civic skills in their participation skills. This research also contributes to the literature on teaching and learning Pancasila Education. By analyzing the skills of student participants after implementing the role-playing learning model, this research can identify more effective learning strategies to increase students' understanding of Pancasila values. Kata Kunci : Participation Skills, Role-Playing, Pancasila Education

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