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Using Infographics as an Anti-Bullying Campaign Media is a Form of Strengthening Social Cohesion Post-Covid 19 Students

Zuyyina Rahma, Winarno Winarno, Machmud Al Rasyid


The Covid-19 pandemic has created a crisis in social cohesion and exacerbated social inequality. Social cohesion is a sense of unity and relationships that occur between individuals, including school students. Low social cohesion is indicated by acts of bullying such as aggressive behavior, oppression, and feelings of joy over the failures and suffering experienced by other people or other groups. The problem that is often experienced by students is not being able to establish good cooperation and relationships, including a lack of respect for human rights. Therefore, efforts are needed to strengthen the social cohesion of students who had experienced a crisis during the Covid 19 pandemic. This research was conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Putri Mu'allimat Kudus. Research method using descriptive qualitative data collection techniques interviews and literacy studies. The purpose of this study was to find out how to use infographics as an anti-bullying campaign media which is a form of strengthening students' social cohesion. The student anti- bullying campaign is a form of strengthening social cohesion because with the anti-bullying campaign students gain an understanding of bullying and can reshape a sense of belonging and cooperation through the messages conveyed. Infographics are media that are currently in great demand by many groups including students, presentations that are interesting and brief but clear make infographics the choice of media for anti-bullying student campaigns as a form of strengthening social cohesion.

Keywords: Infographics, Bullying, Social Cohesion, Covid 19

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