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The Influence of Learning Models Shopping Window and Learning Motivation Pancasila Education Learning Achievements

Zonif Fatahillah, Hassan Suryono, Muhammad Hendri Nuryadi


Teachers must play a role and try to be creative in the learning process which makes student learning enjoyable, fosters interest and motivation, is active and reduces boredom. One of them is by using a learning method or model approach in class VII of SMP Negeri 1 Plaosan which is different from what is usually done in schools with the hope that learning will be more meaningful, involving student activities so that students feel fun in learning Pancasila Education. One model that encourages active student participation in groups is the Window Shopping learning model. This learning model is a learning model based on group work by going around looking at the work of other groups to broaden their horizons. Students who have motivation to learn will have more influence on the level of comprehension of the lesson material presented by the teacher to carry out more effective learning tasks. Students' motivation will further develop if they can receive learning well and have a high sense of curiosity. This research aims to determine the influence of the Window Shopping learning model and partial and simultaneous learning motivation on Pancasila Education learning achievement. This research uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques by taking the object of research as class VII students at SMP Negeri 1 Plaosan. The results of the research show that there is an influence of the Window Shopping learning model and learning motivation both partially and simultaneously on the Pancasila Education learning achievement of class VII students at SMP Negeri 1 Plaosan Kab. Magetan.

Keywords: Window Shopping Learning Model; Learning Motivation; Learning Achievement.en

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