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The Implementation of Digital Literacy as an Effort to Build Digital Citizenship in SMP Negeri 4 Percut Sei Tuan

Yezkyna Ringan Pakpahan, Dewi Gunawati


The rapid development of Science and Technology (Science and Technology) has an impact on all aspects of life including education. This condition indirectly requires students to have the ability to sort out the content and information they get through the internet network or commonly referred to as digital literacy. The purpose of writing this article is to find out how the implementation of digital literacy at SMP Negeri 4 Percut Sei Tuan so that they can master technological developments. This research uses Descriptive Qualitative method with a scientific setting, the purpose is to interpret the phenomena that occur in the current environment, data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are First, digital skills, namely giving digital-based assignments or projects. Second, digital culture by integrating digital citizenship values into school rules and culture/activities so that students can understand their rights and responsibilities in carrying out their role as good digital citizens. Third, digital ethics is providing an understanding of digital ethics through classroom learning and socialisation to students and parents. Fourth, digital safety, which provides an understanding and how to create strong passwords and how to keep them confidential.

Keywords: Digital Literacy, Digital Citizenship


Currently, the development of technology towards digital technology is accelerating. In this digital era, people have adopted a new lifestyle that cannot be separated from electronic devices. Technology can help most human needs. The utilisation of technology can make it easier to complete a task or job. This significant contribution of technology has ushered in the digital era for human civilisation.

The digital era has brought many positive changes that can be utilised to the fullest. However, the digital era also brings many negative impacts that provide new challenges for human existence in the digital era. Challenges in the digital era also enter various sectors such as politics, economy, socio-culture, security and information technology itself. With the emergence of internet-based digital networks, especially

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