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Strengthening the Mutual Cooperation Dimension of the Pancasila Student Profile in the Merdeka Curriculum through the PPKn Subjects

Sixdes Silvani Pinem, Muhammad Hendri Nuryadi


The Pancasila Student Profile is designed to answer the significant question of what competencies are produced by the Indonesian education system, as outlined in Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Learning System. Strengthening character education towards the spirit of mutual cooperation as one dimension of the Pancasila student profile is crucial in overcoming the decline in character experienced by students. This is because the purpose of character education is to transform behavior to possess good ethics in community life. This research aims to illustrate the strengthening of the dimension of mutual cooperation through Pancasila and Civic Education (PPKn) learning as part of the six dimensions of the Pancasila student profile. To achieve this research objective, the study employs a library research method. The results of this research indicate that the content in PPKn learning includes the reinforcement of the mutual cooperation dimension. The strengthening of the mutual cooperation dimension through PPKn learning is found in Part 1 of “Pancasila”, specifically in Unit 4 which focuses on citizenship and the collaborative project of mutual cooperation, as well as in learning activities that integrate key elements of mutual cooperation: collaboration, concern, and sharing with others.

Keywords: Pancasila Student Profile; Mutual Cooperation.

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