candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Policy Evaluation of the Use of Health BPJS in Fulfilling the Rights of Citizens as Health Insurance Ponorogo Community

Salsabila Wahyu Mauludina


BPJS Health is a government program held as health insurance that is used by the community to achieve community welfare as the fulfillment of citizens' rights. The rights of citizens become a privilege for citizens to be treated well. Policy evaluation on the use of BPJS Health in fulfilling citizens' rights as public health insurance is the most important aspect in assessing the efficiency of the program. BPJS Health has provided access to health for the people of Indonesia, especially for those who are less able to pay for their own health expenses. Nonetheless, this evaluation can also identify various challenges in terms of limited resources to the quality of health services, one of which is in Ponorogo Regency. Therefore, there is a need for a recommendation for improvement in increasing the efficiency of health services through the BPJS Health program and ensuring that BPJS Health is able to continue to contribute to fulfilling citizens' rights as an effective guarantee for public health and efficiency in Ponorogo Regency. The research method uses descriptive qualitative techniques in data collection through interviews supported by literature studies. The conclusion of the article shows that in the policy of using the Ponorogo Public Health BPJS an evaluation can be carried out in improving the quality of health services to achieve the fulfillment of citizens' rights rights by increasing access to health services and improving Ponorogo health service strategies as a form of challenging the effectiveness of the BPJS Health policy program.

Keywords: BPJS Health, Citizen Rights, Evaluation of BPJS Health Policies

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