candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Pancasila Education as a Media for Legal Awareness Education in the School Environment

Nodi Herhana, Rusnaini Rusnaini, Muhammad Hendri Nuryadi


Law and education are two things that are closely related. For a citizen to have legal awareness, it must start as early as possible from school. Legal awareness education for students is a learning process to provide students with knowledge, understanding, and awareness of the legal system, regulations, and legal values. The subject that has an important role in increasing students' legal awareness is Pancasila Education. Pancasila Education is a new nomenclature for Citizenship Education in Indonesia according to the latest curriculum (Merdeka Curriculum). Specifically, in Pancasila Education there are elements of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which are described in two Learning Outcomes: 1) Apply law-abiding behavior based on applicable regulations in society, and 2) analyze the order of laws and regulations in Indonesia. Both Learning Outcomes are very relevant for the delivery of legal awareness education to students. The purpose of this research is to describe Pancasila Education as a Media for Legal Awareness Education in the School Environment. This research is a type of qualitative research with literature study method and descriptive analysis technique. The end of this paper can increase students' legal awareness, promote active participation in a law-based society, and increase awareness of rights and obligations as citizens.

Keywords: Pancasila Education; Legal Awareness; School.

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