candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Civic Engagement through the Community in Environmental Management Efforts Around Watu Gambir Park, Karanganyar

Muhhamad Yusup, Dewi Gunawati, Triana Rejekiningsih


This research paper explores How to shape community involvement in environmental protection and management. The main obstacle in forming community involvement among the community in environmental protection and management. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, this research aims to provide various ways to form civic engagement or community involvement to protect and manage the environment, one of which is karanganyar. Data collection used document analysis and interview techniques. This research contributes to ways of establishing civic engagement in the community around Karanganyar in environmental protection and management. The research results state that the method for forming civic engagement in society has been implemented and the main obstacles in forming civic engagement in society around environmental protection and management are human resources, flexible budgets and regional education.

Keywords: Civic Engagement; Community; Environment..

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