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Syria’s Civic Education Requiements: School and University Students in Light of the Challenges and Changes

Maram Taher, Roqia Rdwan, Luthfia Devi Romadhoni


In Syria, civic education is recognized as an "important" part of the curriculum. This content covers civic participation, civic rights and obligations, peaceful community living, tolerance for cultural diversity, and knowledge of Syria's political and judicial systems. An interactive method, group discussions, and practical exercises are utilized to teach civic education. Students are urged to use critical thinking, accept competing points of view, examine contemporary social and political issues, and base their analyses on a complete understanding of the problems that society is facing. Syria is presently engaged in the bloodiest crises in its modern history, which has transformed it from the world's safest and most stable nation into one of the most dangerous. As a result, civic education there has been negatively impacted, and significant damage has been done too many service sectors, most notably the education and performing arts sectors. University education and Pre-university education in particular, as this stage is seen as the fundamental framework for promoting and consolidating the values of citizenship and morals, is a field that requires attention due to its significance in determining the future of both individuals and societies.

Keywords: Civic Education, Citizenship, Crises, Civic Participation, Educational Programs.

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