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Social Cohesion and Adaptation to New Habits of Housewives During Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Loide Sihaloho, Muhammad Hendri Nuryadi


The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred, which began in 2019, had an impact on many things, including government policy. The implementation of policies during the pandemic aims to be able to adapt to various new habits in many activities and aspects of daily life. This research aims to discuss the adaptation of new habits for housewives after the Covid-19 pandemic and social cohesion and the role of housewifes in the post-pandemic family. The research method used is a qualitative method with a literature review approach. The research results show changes in the habits of housewives during the pandemic and post-pandemic. Social cohesion related to the role of housewives in the post-pandemic era is the development of 4 competencies, namely 1) critical thinking and problem solving; 2) creativity and innovation; 3) collaboration, and; 4) Communication. Housewives must carry out their role by adapting comprehensively. Collaborate with other family members to jointly adapt new habits. The role of housewives after the pandemic has changed, in this case related to ways of thinking, ways of communicating, ways of working together, ways of collaborating in various aspects of life including aspects of education, health of family members and social interactions. Where during the pandemic, children went to school online, not face to face and teaching and learning activities were carried out at home with the help of smartphones and the internet. Meanwhile, in the post-pandemic period, the policy of restricting leaving the house has been stopped and now children must come to school face-to-face or offline. Apart from that, housewifes also have a role in supporting new habits related to health aspects after the pandemic, namely advising their children to keep their distance from friends, wear masks, always wash their hands with soap. Based on the research results, it was also found that there were several changes experienced by housewives, for example their involvement in their children's learning process, where housewifes are now more active in using social media to communicate with teachers at school. For example, enter the WhatsApp group to get various information related to their children's school activities. Another finding that can also be explained regarding the social cohesion of housewives is the increasing number of housewifes who actively interact in various online communities. Where the community basically aims to share or share any information they are interested in, for example about cooking, about parenting or child care, about hobbies, about how to maintain health and others. Therefore, it can be concluded that the social cohesion that occurs among housewives in the post- pandemic era is an increase in interest in using technology to increase their knowledge and social relations online.

Keywords: Social cohesion, Housewife, Post-Pandemic.

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