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Teacher Strategies in Utilizing the Internet as a Learning Resource to Enhance Civic Literacy among 11th-grade Students at SMAN 1 Mojolaban

Ismatu Rosida, Moh. Muchtarom, Muh. Hendri Nuryadi


This research aims to investigate the strategies employed by Civics and Citizenship Education (CCE) teachers in utilizing the internet as a learning resource to enhance civic literacy among students. Civic literacy represents students' ability to comprehend, appreciate, and actively participate in the democratic life of society. In this digital era, the internet has become the primary source of information, making it crucial for CCE teachers to effectively harness its potential. The research methodology used was qualitative research with a case study approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with CCE teachers who have successfully integrated the internet into civic literacy instruction. The findings of the research indicate that these teachers employ several key strategies, including: Selection of Quality Sources: CCE teachers carefully choose high-quality online sources that align with the civic literacy curriculum. They also teach students information source evaluation skills to identify fake news or biased information. Interactive Learning: Teachers leverage online platforms to create interactive learning experiences. This includes online discussions, collaborative projects, and the use of game-based platforms to explain citizenship concepts. Digital Literacy: Teachers assist students in developing digital literacy by educating them about online ethics, copyright, privacy, and responsibilities in sharing information. Integration of Current Issues: Teachers make use of news and current issues in civic literacy instruction. They guide students in analyzing current news and events related to citizenship. Collaboration with Parents: Teachers collaborate with parents to monitor students' internet usage at home and help them develop digital and civic literacy. This research provides insights into best practices in utilizing the internet as a learning tool to strengthen students' civic literacy. The results can serve as a guide for CCE teachers and education policymakers in their efforts to enhance citizenship understanding and community participation in this digital era.

Keywords: strategies; internet; civic literacy;

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