candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Actualization of Pancasila Values in the Context of Interaction of Persons with Disabilities in Trenggalek Inclusive Housing

Husnul Fauziyah, Mohammad Muchtarom, Winarno Winarno


This study aims to determine the form of actualization of Pancasila values in the interaction of persons with disabilities in inclusive housing. The research method is literature review. Data sources are obtained from literature reviews such as references from books, journals, documents and relevant websites. Data collection techniques in the form of documentation by collecting several documents and analysis techniques using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the application of Pancasila values in the context of inclusive housing is the first principle, the existence of inclusive housing encourages the practice of worship in congregation among the disabled and the surrounding community, the second principle by realizing justice because the existence of inclusive housing is the answer to the fulfillment of rights for disabilities to housing designed specifically, the third principle is the harmony and cohesiveness that exists between the disabled and the surrounding community the fourth principle is that there is a discussion between difables with the Naeema Foundation and the fifth principle, inclusive housing, is quite capable of improving the welfare of difables because of the concept of production houses that train skills and develop businesses for difables.

Keywords: Pancasila; disability; inclusive housing

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