candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Strengthening Social Solidarity in Fisherman Communities as Ecotourism Managers for Economic and Coastal Environmental Recovery Post-Pandemic

Dwiki Li, Dewi Gunawati, Rima Vien Permata Hartanto


Poverty rates and damage to the coastal environment have increased since the Covid-19 pandemic. Strengthening the social solidarity of the community is needed to accelerate the recovery of the economy and coastal environment. Social solidarity will build a sense of unity, help, and cohesiveness in facing difficult times efficiently. This research aims to: 1) Analyse the form of social solidarity of the Muara Baimbai Community in the post-pandemic recovery of the economy and coastal environment; 2) Analyse the strategy of strengthening the social solidarity of the Muara Baimbai Community in the post-pandemic recovery of the economy and coastal environment; 3) Analyse the factors that influence the strengthening of social solidarity of the Muara Baimbai Community after the pandemic. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques of interviews, observation, and documentation. The research results show: 1) The form of solidarity of the Muara Baimbai community includes mutual cooperation in cleaning the coastal environment and cooperation in managing Mangrove ecotourism. 2) Strategies for strengthening the social solidarity of the Muara Baimbai Community in restoring the economy and coastal environment include increasing the productivity and diversification of business units, increasing the sense of belonging to the environment through collaboration with the Government, Private Sector and Schools, building solidarity through cultural festivals, variations in activities, and activating deliberations. 3) Factors that influence the strengthening of solidarity include supporting factors (economic fulfilment, environmental awareness, availability of waste bin facilities, quantity of human resources, kinship ties), inhibiting factors (laziness, selfishness, and human resource capabilities).

Keywords: Social Solidarity; Baimbai Muara Community; Economy and Environment.

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