candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Growing Environmental Awareness Through The Use of Social Media By The Semarang City Environmental Office

Diah Kusumawati, Winarno Winarno, Dewi Gunawati


Environmental awareness is increasingly urgent in facing current global environmental challenges. In order to achieve environmental conservation goals, the use of social media by local governments is becoming increasingly important. This research discusses the main role played by social media in facilitating the growth of environmental awareness by the Semarang City Environmental Service. This study explores various aspects of the strategies and initiatives taken by the Environmental Service to use social media as an environmental communication and campaign tool. The research methodology includes content analysis of the agency's social media, in-depth interviews with agency staff involved in social media management, and surveys of people who actively participate in environmental programs distributed via social media. The research results revealed various strategies for using social media, including environmental campaigns, outreach, and promotion of regional environmental programs. Social media is used to disseminate information about environmental issues, gather public support, and mobilize real action in environmental conservation. In addition, this research also evaluates the impact of the agency's use of social media in achieving environmental awareness goals, including changes in attitudes and community participation in environmental activities. However, the research also identified several challenges, such as efficient content management and changes in social media algorithms that can impact message reach. This research concludes that the use of social media by the Semarang City Environmental Service has succeeded in increasing environmental awareness in the community. The implication of this research is that social media can be a very effective tool in supporting local government efforts to increase environmental awareness at the community level. Recommendations are provided to strengthen the use of social media and overcome challenges that may arise in the process. It is hoped that higher environmental awareness will have a positive impact on environmental conservation in Semarang City and elsewhere in Indonesia.

Keywords: Environmental Awareness; Use of Social Media; Community Participation.

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