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Strategy for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile Dimension of Believing and Fearing God Almighty, and of Noble Morals, Based on Religious Familiarity and Ethical Education

Budiyaarno Budiyaarno, Rini Triastuti, Moh Muchtarom


Character building is one of national education purposes. Article I of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System states that among the goals of national education is to develop the potential of students to have intelligence, personality and noble morals. Forming a Pancasila Student Profile with dimensions of faith and devotion to God Almighty, and having noble morals is an important part of the success of post-pandemic national education. This article aims to describe in detail an overview of strategies for strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile, the dimensions of faith and devotion to God Almighty, and having noble morals based on post-pandemic religious habits and post-pandemic student education. This type of research uses qualitative research methods, descriptive analysis using a library approach (library research). The data analysis technique used in this research uses content analysis techniques (content analysis). The data sources used in this research are data from the Google Scholar, Mendeley, Sinta, Scimago Journal and Country Rank pages. The results of this research are an overview of strategies for strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile dimensions of faith and devotion to God Almighty, and having noble morals based on participants' religious habits and ethical education. The implication of this strategy is the achievement of a process of national education goals which have long been formulated in the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia to form the faith and piety of students, so that a noble national civilization is formed.

Keywords: Strategy, profile of Pancasila students dimension dimension of faith and piety to the Almighty God, and noble character, religious habituation, adab education.

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